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Cambokeels Mine, Eastgate, Weardale, Durham.

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Cambokeels mine also know by its original older name of Cammock Eals was first worked for lead by the Beaumont Company along the Slitt vein. The horse level was started in 1847, this date is inscribed in the date stone for the adit. The mine was worked until 1871 even though its lead production was poor.

In 1906 the mine was reopened and worked for fluorspar with a succession of different owners. By the late 1940's the mine was acquired by Anglo-Austral Mines Ltd who worked the mine for spar, lead and zinc. The ore was transported to the mill at Nenthead for processing.

The biggest development of the mine started in the 1970's when Malcolm Brown and Madison drove an incline below the horse level which discovered high grade fluoritic ore. Shortly after this the mine changed hands and the Swiss Aluminium UK Company took over operations, which drove the incline deeper, reaching the Tynebottom Limestone, Whin Sill and Jew Limestone. In 1982 the mine was taken over again, by a subsidiary of Minworth Ltd who developed the mine further by driving the incline to deeper horizons.

The mine closed in 1989 and by this time was the deepest mine in the region. At the peak of its operations, output of spar was 1100 - 1700 tonnes per week. The incline is completely flooded, and the horse level is partly accessible for a short distance.

Surface Features

Features on the Cambokeels mine site.

Updated 27th April 2008.

Horse Level

A speedy visit down the horse level to see the ventilation fan and the collapse of the level.

(Karli, Mike and Pete), 27th April 2008.