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Scraithole Mine, Carrshield, West Allendale, Northumberland.

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Scraithole Mine was driven on three levels, the Low, Middle and Top. The High Level was driven beneath the Firestone Sill looking for the continuation of the Wellhope Head Veins on the east side of the fell in 1820. By 1829 the Middle and Low Levels had been started as well, however due to the poor mineralisation of galena the workings were abandoned. The mine was next worked from 1861 to 1878, when the Middle and Low Levels were further driven towards the west. The Middle Level was driven in the White and Pattinson Sills and the Low Level below the Great Limestone in the Quarty Hazel. Working was stopped again due to the lack of lead ore. During these periods the mine was first owned by the Beaumont Company and then the Vielle Montagne Zinc Company.

In the 1970's the Low Level was opened by Eric Richardson, but this was on a very small scale, and the workings were abandoned in 1974. In the late 1970's Industrial Minerals Ltd opened the workings again and mined them for witherite and spalerite using a small gravity plant for the separation. However the separation method proved to be uneconomic and the company ceased operation in 1981. The work undertook in this period included the reopening of the Dodd Level (crosscut) to the Gudhamgill Flats and of the Wellhope Head Top Level as a means for exit.

Scraithole Surface Features

Views of the landscape and buildings found around the Scraithole complex.

Updated 20th July 2007.