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Old Fall Level, Middle Blackdene, Weardale, Durham.

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The Old Fall Level was driven by the William Beaumont Lead Company in the Six Fathom Hazle as a crosscut to reach the Old Fall Vein at 160m. At the vein, the level branches to the south west for a short distance and the main workings continue north east for a distance of 760m. Only around 250m or so is accessible along the vein now (31/08/2014). Old Fall Vein is the south western counterpart of the Scarsike and Boltsburn Veins. A surface shaft (Old Fall Shaft) was sunk down 44m to the Scar Limestone on the far south west end of Old Fall Vein, but gained no ore and was abandoned.

Old Fall Level - Is it a cave or mine?

Our first exploration of this small level with a lot of cave like decoration.

(Karli, Mike and Pete), 31st August 2014.