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Cobblers Level (03/04/09)

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Stepping over the rock in the entrance we entered the level, and we were greeted by very cold water, which just reached above mid thigh - thank god. Having been outside for the last 3 hours or so and warmed up, the water felt extra cold.

A few metres in and we came across a large spiders web along the top half of the level, ducking under this so not to wreck the fellows home, we made our way along the level. It was clear to see that the old man had utilised the fracture in the rock to drive this level, as the lower half was smooth rock, that had presumably been easy to work, whilst higher up pick marks could clearly be seen. After a few minutes we came to a junction. The right hand way was a blind and had been driven on for a metre or so, the fact that it did not go anywhere was not in the slightest disappointing - the walls and roof of the blind were an excellent example of the coffin level shape, and the markings of the last people to work it could be seen in full splendor.

The left branch took us to the base of a rubble slope, which were deads that had fallen from the old stope workings above. Taking some more photographs of the coffin level and pick marks we retraced our route out and back into daylight. A short trip, but a fantastic end to our first day at Coniston.