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Caplecleugh Firestone Level, Nenthead, Cumbria.

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The Caplecleugh Firestone Level follows the Caplecleugh North Vein and it was driven below the Firestone Sill. A line of shafts north of Old Carr's Burn marks the vein and the early workings. The level was presumably driven for drainage of the shaft workings. No further history of the level can currently be found. If you do visit for a look please leave the entrance as you found it, as it has not gate. (Last Update 15/01/08)

Caplecleugh Firestone Level Location

Looking for this level, its name still unknown.

25th November 2007, (Karl, Mike and Pete).

Caplecleugh Firestone First Explore

Forget about digging the collapse for drainage, lets pump it out.

11th January 2008, (Mike and Pete).