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Welcome to The Mine Explorer Society web site.

Login - Updated 23/10/14

Login RBG - Updated 18/09/15

We are a group of friends that have been exploring abandoned mines since the 1980's, predominately in the small village of Nenthead in Cumbria on Alston moor. This web site is all about our exploration, including some basic history of the mines. To see the mines that we have been to and our trip index, see Mines / Trip Index.

Mine exploration is dangerous and you should only attempt it with a club or an experienced group if you have not done it before or are a novice. See Links for details of clubs and organisations that you can contact. Please Read the Disclaimer.

If you are a mine explorer feel free to contact us for information. We will be glad to help if we can and to place any links to relevant web sites. All the information on this web site is a result of reading, surfing, talking, doing and speculation.

Flats - Brownley Hill
Surface Shaft - Nenthead
Calcified Shaft - Allendale
Digging - Nentsberry Haggs

Latest Trips -

Greenlaws Firestone Level - 06/08/22, lots of progress since our last visit in 2014

Middlehope Old Fluorite Mine - 12/06/22, 'great mine for a Sunday potter' said Karli.

Brownley Hill to Nentsberry Haggs Through Trip - 11/06/22, with some stops along the way.

Guddhamgill Mine - 08/05/22, a look in the Top Level past the ochre.

What's New -

End of an Era - with 500 units now sold the RETRO XP unit now has been retired

Finally a new plan - Nentsberry Haggs Mine (24/06/15) - AVAILABLE NOW

The Mine Explorer Society is 10 Years Old.
Plans of Nenthead Mines available - full colour A2 prints.

Web site written by Mike Hrybyk, all content and photographs Copyright 2004-2024. Site started May 2004. Last Update 10/07/2024.

To get the best viewing of photographs use a screen resolution of 1280x1024.

Fungus - Wapping Mine
Arching - Rampgill Firestone
Blue Pool - Brownley Hill
Near Barron's Sump - Smallcleugh